Apparently, Steams gives game devs this info in Steamworks. Kudo to Steam! 🙌
Here’s how you find this info for your game.
Go to Steamworks ( and view your dashboard.

Scroll down and select the app of interest.

Scroll down to Financial Access section and open View Sales & Activations Reports

Select the app link under Steam Units (If this doesn’t show up, change the data range to All History and it should show up)

Select Refund Data

Change to time range to Lifetime to get all the data

Then, BAM… Reasons players refunded your game

Players can not only give a reason (i.e. the category) for their refund. But, they can also leave notes as to why for more context and insight. If you do this, I appreciate you. 🙏
Select a category. If there are any associated notes, they will appear like below.

One last thing…if you want to know why players refunded my game, Abridge, on Steam. Check out Episode #03 of our Podcast, Beyond the Loading Screen.
Thanks and have a good day! 😁
Featured Image Attributions:
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash